Thinking Spiritually- A short review of posts 31-35

Thinking Spiritually- A short review of posts 31-35
Post 31: Spiritual Thinking will be superior to artificial intelligence.

Spiritual Thinking Will Be Superior To Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence through machine learning is data-driven, and all data is input from the human brain. Human intelligence can vary widely; the best it can be is the best human brain level. The Infinite Mind, God, is infinitely above any human group. It is like being in a tall building; the view from there cannot be the same as something at a higher level. Since Spiritual Thinking is derived from Divine thoughts passed on to humans at a Metaphysical level, there can be no comparison. Spiritual Thinking will be infinitely superior to artificial intelligence.
Post 32:
Spiritual Thinking is the ultimate help in Human Relations

Spiritual thinking is the ultimate help in human relations

God creates humans with different looks, personalities, DNAs, fingerprints, and different capacities to think, and it seems the interactions among them will be a complex issue. However, there is only one Divine Mind present in each of them, and when we think spiritually by synchronizing human thoughts with the Divine Mind, the conduit of interactions becomes the same. Human interactions also become simpler since all ideas are derived from one Divine Mind. The interactions facilitate a better understanding of each other, and relations become harmonious.
Post 33: Spiritual Thinking helps man to recognize his spiritual nature.

Spiritual thinking helps man to recognize his spiritual nature

Since Spiritual Thinking involves the synchronization of human thoughts with the Divine Mind, through affirmations and prayer, the human mind starts recognizing and understanding its limitations and starts comprehending the origins of man. Through constant practice of Spiritual Thinking, man realizes that his real nature is spiritually derived. This understanding gives him peace and harmony.
Post 34: Spiritual Thinking is the ultimate help to overcome addiction.

Spiritual Thinking is the ultimate help to overcome addiction

Addiction to drugs or other substances and compulsive behavior resulting from human weaknesses in dealing with problems can have dire consequences, sometimes in the death of themselves (drugs) or others (accidents). Practising Spiritual Thinking will enable one to recognize these consequences in advance and naturally frees them from involving in such habits. Intuitively, Spiritual Thinking helps one to avoid developing bad habits and replace them with joy, peace, and harmony without the need for any external stimulants.
Post 35: Spiritual Thinking is the ultimate help to superior mental fitness.

Spiritual thinking is the ultimate help to superior mental fitness

At this time of a long pandemic still raging, frequent shutdowns, children not having their school social interactions, and unprovoked war-threatening disruptions in world economies and loss of life, it helps to return to our spiritual origins to keep ourselves mentally fit. Spiritual Thinking, that is, divine thoughts passed on to humans, holds not only sane but keeps us optimistic about the future. Since God Divine Mind is, it can help us maintain a clear perspective of God’s love for us and a better lot. This thought alone will comfort our human minds to be positive and maintain good mental fitness. You can read more about Spiritual Thinking in the author’s book: Think Spiritually – Spiritual Thinking or Life. Available at

You can buy the e-book “Think Spiritually – Spiritual Thinking For Life” for only $5.00 below.

You Can buy e book “Think Spiritually Book2 – Spiritual Thinking For Life” for only $5.00

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By Sivaraman Raghu

Dr.Siv Raghu grew up in New Delhi, india. He moved to USA in his early twenties, obtained his PhD in Chemistry. He worked for a Fortune 100 Corporation for 15 years and spent another 30 years in consulting, own businesses, banking and transportation in the US. He then returned to India, continued his Gnana Yoga for self realization, while studying Upanishads and Bhagwat Gita. Through these blogs he is sharing his knowledge and insights into how Spiritual thinking enables one to attain peace, harmony and happiness. He has just released a book on Amazon on : Think Spiritually, Spiritual Thinking For Life. ." From birth until our last breath, a supreme power stays inside us, allowing us to breathe, making all the material organs work, and giving us the five senses to guide us. This power, called by various names such as God, brahman, Yahweh, Allah, Divine Mind, etc., is the engine of life. This Divine Mind can help us anytime we seek God’s help. The Divine Mind has all control over us, but we can only appeal to it through affirmations that God is all in all and is the Sole power for all cause and effect in this universe. He is present in us 24/7 by synchronizing our human thoughts with this Divine Mind. God passes on his thoughts to us. This synchronization becomes habitual through constant prayers and affirmations, and we enjoy Peace, Harmony, Prosperity, and Happiness. This is called Spiritual Thinking and is the backbone of peaceful bliss in our lives."

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