Spiritual Thinking is the ultimate way to restore Justice.

Spiritual Thinking is the ultimate way to restore Justice.

Jeremiah 30:17:
“But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds.
Leviticus 19:1
Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly.
Psalm 33
The Lord loves righteousness and justice; the earth is whole of his unfailing love.
Proverbs 31:8-9
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.
Isaiah 42:3-4
A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness, he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth.
Micah 6:8
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
Matthew 5:9
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
Luke 4:18-19
“The Spirit of the Lord is on me because He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
Bhagwad Gita 4-8:
BG 4.8: To protect the righteous, to annihilate the wicked, and to reestablish the principles of dharma, I appear on this earth, age after age

Throughout history, good people and saints have suffered at the hands of oppressors, most often not because of their deeds or wrongs but because of discrimination, racism, and oppressive thoughts from others. This may be due to miscommunication, misunderstanding, oppressive policies, or just plain wickedness.
When Rama had to spend 14 years in the forest, Pandavas had to spend 13 years in exile, and Harishchandra had to turn over the kingdom to Sage Viswamitra. Were these all because they were wrong, or were they sinners? History is full of instances when good people had to endure hardships because of foul play by others deliberately. This kind of thing happens more these days because crooks climb the ladder of politics to high places, which is why false manifestations, such as the pandemic, happen. Since God designs these false manifestations because of evil thinking while protecting good people, these false manifestations do not get anywhere near Spiritual Thinkers. That is God’s way of educating the masses on good vs evil.
‘In each of the above instances, Rama, Pandavas, and King Harishchandra had nothing to do with the cause of the suffering, though they had to endure the hardships. Rama went to spend 14 years in exile to keep his father” ‘s word to one of his wives, Kaikeyi because she wanted her son Bharatha to ascend the throne instead of Rama. Pandavas had to go into exile because their eldest was defeated in a dice game by cheating. King Harishchandra had to turn over the kingdom to sage Viswamitra, who had a bet with sage Vasjishta to force Harishchandra to lie. Despite all hardships, Harish Chandra never uttered a lie and had to be restored to his kingdom. My family and I have endured forty years of hardships because of one lying and cheating boss out of pure jealousy.
Another shining example of suffering due to others’ schemes and succeeding is that of Joseph in the Bible.

Let us take the story of Joseph. He was the favorite son of the patriarch Jacob. His brothers were so jealous of him that they sold him as a slave to the Egyptians and lied to their father that Joseph was killed. Once in Egypt, while he was working with Potipher, Potifer’s wife tried to nudge Joseph to sleep with her. When Joseph ran away from her, she grabbed his robe and accused Joseph of attempting to Seduce her. When Joseph was thrown in jail, he could interpret Pharoah’s dreams and correctly predict a famine lasting for seven years. He advised Pharoah to hoard enough grains and more during the famine. Pharoah was so impressed with Joseph that he made Joseph second to himself.

History is replenished with such stories and is particularly relevant now since politicians spread all falsehoods to win elections.

You can read more in the author’s book: Think Spiritually – Spiritual Thinking For Life. Available at Amazon.com



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  • आध्यात्मिक रूप से सोचें जन्म से लेकर हमारी अंतिम सांस तक, एक सर्वोच्च शक्ति हमारे भीतर रहती है, जो हमें सांस लेने देती है, सभी भौतिक अंगों को काम करने देती है, और हमें मार्गदर्शन करने के लिए पांच इंद्रियां देती है। ईश्वर, ब्रह्म, यहोवा, अल्लाह, ईश्वरीय मन आदि जैसे विभिन्न नामों से पुकारी जाने वाली यह शक्ति जीवन का इंजन है। यह दैवीय मन हमारी कभी भी मदद कर सकता है जब हम भगवान की मदद मांगते हैं। ईश्वरीय मन का हम पर पूरा नियंत्रण है, लेकिन हम केवल पुष्टि के माध्यम से उससे अपील कर सकते हैं कि ईश्वर सब कुछ है और इस ब्रह्मांड में सभी कारण और प्रभाव के लिए एकमात्र शक्ति है। वह हमारे मानवीय विचारों को इस दिव्य मन के साथ मिला कर 24/7 हमारे बीच मौजूद है। परमेश्वर अपने विचारों को हम तक पहुँचाता है। निरंतर प्रार्थना और प्रतिज्ञान के माध्यम से यह तुल्यकालन अभ्यस्त हो जाता है, और हम शांति, सद्भाव, समृद्धि और खुशी का आनंद लेते हैं। इसे आध्यात्मिक सोच कहा जाता है और यह हमारे जीवन में शांतिपूर्ण आनंद की रीढ़ है।

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By Sivaraman Raghu

Dr.Siv Raghu grew up in New Delhi, india. He moved to USA in his early twenties, obtained his PhD in Chemistry. He worked for a Fortune 100 Corporation for 15 years and spent another 30 years in consulting, own businesses, banking and transportation in the US. He then returned to India, continued his Gnana Yoga for self realization, while studying Upanishads and Bhagwat Gita. Through these blogs he is sharing his knowledge and insights into how Spiritual thinking enables one to attain peace, harmony and happiness. He has just released a book on Amazon on : Think Spiritually, Spiritual Thinking For Life. https://www.amazon.com/author/sivaraman_raghu/ ." From birth until our last breath, a supreme power stays inside us, allowing us to breathe, making all the material organs work, and giving us the five senses to guide us. This power, called by various names such as God, brahman, Yahweh, Allah, Divine Mind, etc., is the engine of life. This Divine Mind can help us anytime we seek God’s help. The Divine Mind has all control over us, but we can only appeal to it through affirmations that God is all in all and is the Sole power for all cause and effect in this universe. He is present in us 24/7 by synchronizing our human thoughts with this Divine Mind. God passes on his thoughts to us. This synchronization becomes habitual through constant prayers and affirmations, and we enjoy Peace, Harmony, Prosperity, and Happiness. This is called Spiritual Thinking and is the backbone of peaceful bliss in our lives."

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