Spiritual Thinking is the ultimate way to discover the true self.
Mundaka Upanishad 3.2. 9
Moksha is Jnana. One who knows Brahman becomes Brahman (Mundaka Upanishad 3.2. 9). Moksha is nothing but realizing what is one’s true self. Therefore, there is nothing more to be done for Moksha other than knowing that one’s essential nature (Swaroopa) is Brahman.
Krishna Teaching Arjuna on Bhagwad Gita
Bhagwad Gita: Chapter 3: 17-19.
But that man who rejoices only in the Self is satisfied with the Self and is concerned in the Self – for him, there is no duty to perform.
For him, there is no concern here at all with acting, nor any concern with non-performance. Moreover, for him, there is no dependence on any object to serve any purpose.
Therefore, remaining unattached always performs the obligatory duty, for a person attains the Highest ( Salvation ) by performing one’s task without attachment.
Daniel 5:17
Then Daniel answered and said before the king, “Keep your gifts for yourself or give your rewards to someone else; however, I will read the inscription to the king and make the interpretation known to him.
Matthew 5:48
Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
In Genesis chapter 1, God created man in his image and likeness. However, when man deviated, he developed an ego for himself, and this ego is based on the human materialistic brain and mind that led him to create a lot of undesirable qualities such as hatred, pride, arrogance, a feeling of superiority over other human beings as well as an authoritarian attitude. These qualities led him on a destructive path of lying and cheating, playing one against another, and having a constant selfish attitude. He also developed a fascination with a materialistic self that is always in conflict with the Divine Self, God, and Brahman present in each of us.
God, the Divine Mind, and Brahman enter each living being at birth when the umbilical cord is cut. At that point, the breathing and control of all body organs and the brain are controlled by the Infinite, Divine Mind until death. As man is bestowed by God to think on his own, his material brain starts drifting and develops a human ego. If this ego is not checked, it can cultivate all undesirable qualities in a man. That is the primary reason for us to develop spiritual qualities, by thinking about all the beautiful things in nature and appreciating how these things evolved. As we understand the goodness of God and how much He loves us all, we start suppressing our human ego. With the continued development of Spiritual Thinking, through constant prayers and synchronizing human thoughts with the Divine Mind, the Divine Mind constantly helps us, and the destructive human ego is destroyed. Instead, we understand that God is all in all and is the only cause and effect in this universe. Jesus said, “On my initiative or authority. Just as I hear, I judge; and My judgment is just (fair, righteous, unbiased) because I do not seek My own, I can do nothing “… ( John 5:30 ).
In this digital age, so much information and misinformation is floating around that it is hard to know what is true and what is false. In my very early post on reality and Unreality:
I had discussed how reality and unreality differ. If we are not careful, we confuse a rope with a snake or vice-versa. We are constantly distracted by untruths, so attractively presented that we tend to get immersed in these distractions and forget our actual creation as in God’s image and likeness, like a man wandering in the desert looking for water and pursuing every mirage of a lake, only to find that it was all an illusion. Our politicians want to exploit this confusion to their advantage. In these circumstances, God is our only guide to turn to.
When God created us, he also decided to stay inside and help us 24/7 if we seek His help. Otherwise, He still keeps us alive, making our organs work, keeps our five senses to guide us, and makes this engine of life work as The Divine Mind, present as a whole in each of us, but with one condition to help. That is, we seek Him when we are desperate for help. This is achieved by synchronizing our human thoughts with the Divine Mind so that God can pass His thoughts on to us in every situation. In my post on Divine Mind Synchronization:
I emphasized the importance of affirming the truth that God, the Divine Mind, and Brahman are all in all and are the only power and cause and effect of everything that happens in this universe, followed by meditation, prayers, and contemplation on this truth. When we do this constantly several times a day and are grateful and thankful to God, synchronizing our human thoughts with the Divine Mind becomes habitual, and we start having peace and harmony all the time. This is called Spiritual thinking and becomes second nature in us, and we enjoy all happiness. As we progress, we will start to feel the God inside us as close as we can imagine and be able to see our true selves. In Christianity, this is referred to as being ‘born again.’ Thus, spiritual Thinking is the ultimate way to discover the true self.
Some enlightened saints in history.
You can read more in the author’s book, Think Spiritually – Spiritual Thinking For Life, available at Amazon.com.
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