Spiritual Thinking is the ultimate way to be yourself.
Psalm 139:14.
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”.
Romans 12:2. 2
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by renewing your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable.
Ephesians 2:10.
We are his artistry, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God ordained that we should walk in them.
2 Corinthians 5:17.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”.
Jeremiah 29:11.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Proverbs 16:3
Commit to the LORD whatever you do; he will establish your plans.
Philippians 2:3
Don’t Be Selfish. “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.”
Romans 12:3.
“Because of the grace that God gave me, I can say to each of you: don’t think of yourself more highly than you ought to.
Bhagwad Gita:
Have faith in yourself, stand up, and fight the battle of life with firmness of mind, clarity, and inner strength.
In the modern world of “Me. Me, Me only,” we are pressured not to be ourselves, the beautiful way God created us, but to conform to all the mediocrity around us. The “Me, Me Society” will strip you of all your rights, they will cheat to bankrupt you without any compassion or empathy. And behave like it is their right to cheat and corrupt the Government and political leaders to do the same. Without any rights or regard for individual rights, sometimes, through your friends and relatives and everywhere you turn, people will throw insults, lies, and falsehoods to force you to be different from what you are. God has created each of us beautifully in His image and likeness, and you know this truth very well. The corrupt politicians will pressure everyone to convince you that you are not worth living in this world. Are we to think that the only way to survive this onslaught is to lie, cheat, commit a crime, or be like someone we are not? I have been practicing Spiritual Thinking since my teenage years, and it was surprising to me to find myself being incarcerated and persecuted for more than four decades. To understand, let us recollect some history of American politics during the last 43 years.
When Ronald Reagan was inaugurated as President in 1981, he was very popular. He may not have been a great intellectual, but he was the opposite. A crisis developed soon. The Nation’s 12000 Air Traffic Controllers, the people admiringly managing all the thousands of flights daily and their take-offs and landings, went on a strike demanding fewer hours because they were getting stressed out and pay increases. This pissed off Reagan because not only was he opposed to the unions, but he thought Air-Traffic controllers were essential workers and had no right to go on a strike. After giving them a few hours to return to work, he fired them all wholesale, despite his advisors telling him he was putting the whole Air Travel in danger. He told them to have the managers and supervisors manage until new people are trained. The entire nation was on edge, but lucky for him, there were no major accidents. The nation’s Traffic control system was back in shape, and it boosted him considerably. Through this success, he embarked on another experiment: rebuilding the culture of the Fortune 100 companies. I am pretty sure that he told all the corporate CEOs to grab their best model employees and harass them for whatever reason so that all the other employees would fall in line. I was a chosen one ( I was not supposed to know that ), but from an early age, my Spiritual-Big-Thinking enabled me to comprehend what was going on at high levels without my being told. So they hired a person from another Big company known for its “ Do it my way or hit the highway.” This guy became my boss. He was so paranoid and devoid of any intellect that he was paranoid about anything I did, and every time I tried to make him feel comfortable, he would be even more paranoid. To feel secure, he brought in two giants six and half feet tall ( He was himself short, like a typical Mafia boss at about 4 feet 8-9 inches), as his surrogates. Pretty soon, I was harassed so much and demoted that I confronted him. He said it was only temporary and would restore my status within six months; as time passed, he did nothing to fix it. Instead, he had his stooges harass me even more. Even when I reported to him, I wouldn’t say I liked several things he asked me to do, like altering scientific reports, manipulating expense accounts to feed him, etc. So I decided that I would leave the Company and seek a position elsewhere. However, the upper management blocked all my moves, followed by some high-level interviews in HR firms that not only surmised what happened but told me that they had to inform the President (Reagan) and that only God knows what would happen. They even pointed out that my Indian Origin and brown skin color would be a detriment to the then administration. I took everything in stride, and as usual, I kept pursuing all avenues available to me through my Spiritual Thinking and forgiving attitude. They made sure that one venture after another failed until we were driven out of our comfortable home, all along making me feel that I was being forced to be different from what God had created me, which I was very proud of, and thanked God every day. I will deal with all the stories in my autobiography, “I am Being What I Am- My Journey to Be Me,” when it is ready and if I am alive then. In the meantime, I am happy with my website,
which I started during the pandemic to make people realize the God, Brahman, and Divine Mind inside them to fulfill their needs and supply, find harmony during their struggles in life. With successive administrations, Republicans just made it their Principle that ‘what Reagan did was right,’ and Democrats used me to further all colored people’s prospects, both sides constantly pressuring me both economically and socially to change. Divine Mind asked me to be the whole Me as God created during the forty year ordeal so far.
The most relevant historical stories to the above are the stories of Joseph in the Bible and the Pandavas in the Mahabharatha.
In the Old Testament, Joseph was the son of the patriarch Jacob and his wife Rachel. Jacob’s name became synonymous with all of Israel, so that of Joseph was eventually equated with all the tribes that made up the northern kingdom. According to tradition, his bones were buried at Shechem, the oldest shrine in the north (Joshua 24:32). His story is told in Genesis (37–50).
Joseph, the most beloved of Jacob’s sons, is hated by his envious brothers. Angry and jealous of Jacob’s gift to Joseph, a glorious “coat of many colors,” the brothers seize him and sell him to a party of Ishmaelites, or Midianites, who carry him to Egypt. There, Joseph eventually gained the favor of the pharaoh of Egypt through his interpretation of a dream and obtained a high place in the pharaoh’s kingdom. His acquisition of grain supplies enabled Egypt to withstand famine. Driven by the same famine, his brothers journey from Canaan to Egypt to obtain food. They prostrate themselves before Joseph but do not recognize him. After Joseph reconciles with his brothers, he invites Jacob’s whole household to come to Goshen in Egypt, where a settlement is provided for the family and their flocks. His brothers’ sale of Joseph into slavery thus proves providential in the end since it protects the family from famine. The family’s descendants grew and multiplied into the Hebrews, who eventually departed from Egypt for Israel.
Pandavas, five brothers, and Kauravas ( 100 brothers ) were cousins, and the Kingdom of their grandfather was divided equally between the two groups of cousins. The Kauravas defeated the Pandavas in a game of dice by cheating, took the Pandavas’ portion of the kingdom, and sent them into exile for thirteen years. When they came and asked for their kingdom back, the Kauravas refused, and the Mahabharatha war ensued. The Pandavas were always honest and truthful, and the Kauravas were always evil. The following Video illustrates that.
I am grateful to my Spiritual thinking for synchronization of my human thoughts with the Divine Mind inside me to enable me to survive the deaths of my wife and younger daughter, followed by a triple bypass heart surgery and religious pressures to conform.
Thus, Spiritual Thinking is the ultimate way to be yourself.
Let us conclude with Swami Sivananda’s Universal Prayer:
You can read more in the author’s book: Think Spiritually – Spiritual Thinking For Life. Available at Amazon.com
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आध्यात्मिक रूप से सोचें - जीवन के लिए आध्यात्मिक सोच ।
- आध्यात्मिक रूप से सोचें जन्म से लेकर हमारी अंतिम सांस तक, एक सर्वोच्च शक्ति हमारे भीतर रहती है, जो हमें सांस लेने देती है, सभी भौतिक अंगों को काम करने देती है, और हमें मार्गदर्शन करने के लिए पांच इंद्रियां देती है। ईश्वर, ब्रह्म, यहोवा, अल्लाह, ईश्वरीय मन आदि जैसे विभिन्न नामों से पुकारी जाने वाली यह शक्ति जीवन का इंजन है। यह दैवीय मन हमारी कभी भी मदद कर सकता है जब हम भगवान की मदद मांगते हैं। ईश्वरीय मन का हम पर पूरा नियंत्रण है, लेकिन हम केवल पुष्टि के माध्यम से उससे अपील कर सकते हैं कि ईश्वर सब कुछ है और इस ब्रह्मांड में सभी कारण और प्रभाव के लिए एकमात्र शक्ति है। वह हमारे मानवीय विचारों को इस दिव्य मन के साथ मिला कर 24/7 हमारे बीच मौजूद है। परमेश्वर अपने विचारों को हम तक पहुँचाता है। निरंतर प्रार्थना और प्रतिज्ञान के माध्यम से यह तुल्यकालन अभ्यस्त हो जाता है, और हम शांति, सद्भाव, समृद्धि और खुशी का आनंद लेते हैं। इसे आध्यात्मिक सोच कहा जाता है और यह हमारे जीवन में शांतिपूर्ण आनंद की रीढ़ है।
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