Spiritual Thinking is the ultimate Spirit-based Ritual.
A Google search on the definition of “Ritual” yielded the following answer.
What is the definition of a ritual?
A ritual is a sequence of activities involving gestures, words, actions, or revered objects. Rituals may be prescribed by the traditions of a community, including a religious community.
• An analysis of the above showed that it refers to a sequence of actions, including a religious community. Further, the word Spiritual is derived from Spirit and Ritual. By our definition of Spiritual Thinking. It is the synchronization of our human thoughts with the Divine Mind (Spirit) inside each of us, and it involves a series of actions:
• Affirming that God, Spirit, and Divine Mind are all in all and are the Only Power in the Universe.
• This Power is omnipotent, Omnipresent and omniscient.
• Meditate on the above thoughts accompanied by prayers to focus our thoughts,
• Repeat the above until we can start hearing God’s words.
Thus, Spiritual Thinking is a Ritual, but different from all Religious Rituals in that there is no formal symbolism, and we are free to use whatever meditation and prayer work, but with a clear understanding of the affirmations.
In customary rituals, more emphasis is placed on the actions, such as kneeling, performing sacrifices, havans, shaving your head, growing a beard, or chanting mantras loudly or in a group, etc. These are mostly done with or without understanding and followed blindly as prescribed. More emphasis is placed on how the actions are done rather than the reason and goal behind it. Even if there is a goal, it is usually materialistic, such as wealth or health. In spiritual thinking, we recognize that God is fully aware of our desires and will automatically grant them if appropriate. In other words, we do not try to Bribe God for what we want since he is all-knowing and does not need anything from us. We are the ones who are needy.
It would be wrong to say that the rituals are not significant. After all, they were designed by prophets or learned men. Muslims are required to pray five times a day for some reason. Let us take, for example, Jesus. When he healed a blind man who had been blind from birth, Jesus took some mud from the earth, spat it on it, and applied it to the blind man’s eyes.
Jesus spat on the ground and anointed the man’s eyes with a mixture of mud and saliva. He told the blind man to go and wash in the Pool of Siloam; the Bible narrative adds that the word “Siloam” means “Sent.” The man “went and washed and came home seeing.”
When Pharoah ordered all the firstborns of the Jews to be killed, Moses instructed Joshua to have all the Jewish Homrs entrances painted with sheep blood, and as a consequence, only the Pharoah’s firstborn died, and not the Jewish people.
As the story goes, during the tenth and final plague, God passes through the land of Egypt and strikes down the firstborn of every household. But the Jews have been told to mark their doors with the blood of a lamb they’ve sacrificed — the Passover offering — and so God “passes over” their homes.
Muslims are required to Pray five times daily, no matter where they are.
Initially, 50 daily prayers were commanded, but this was subsequently reduced to five on the advice of Prophet Moses to the Holy Apostle. Therefore, Muslims pray five times daily to fulfill the obligation bestowed upon them by Allah through His Holy Messenger.
The tradition of praying five times a day arose from an incident documented in the Quran, the holy book of Islam. Verse one, chapter 17 of the Quran, tells of a miraculous journey made by the Prophet Muhammad, who traveled from Mecca to Jerusalem and then to heaven in one night.
Some of the everyday rituals practiced in Hinduism are:
• Devotion (Bhakti) Devotion (bhakti) refers to both a practice and a path (mārga) towards salvation. …
• Worship (Pūjā) Worship (pūjā) is one of the most central practices in Hinduism. …
• Fire Sacrifice. …
• Mantra. …
• Grace (Prasāda) …
• Service (Sevā) …
• Astrology (Jyotiṣa) …
• Life Cycle Rites (Saṃskāra)
An example of a Fire ceremony is shown in this Video:
Salvation or Moksha:
Mundaka Upanishad 3.2. 9
Moksha is Jnana. One who knows Brahman becomes Brahman (Mundaka Upanishad 3.2. 9). Moksha is nothing but realizing what is one’s true self. Therefore, there is nothing more to be done for Moksha than to know that one’s essential nature (Swaroopa) is Brahman.
Krishna Teaching Arjuna on Bhagwad Gita
Bhagwad Gita: Chapter 3: 17-19.
But a man who rejoices only in the Self is satisfied with and concerned with the Self—for him, there is no duty to perform.
For him, there is no concern here at all with acting, nor any concern with non-performance. Moreover, for him, there is no dependence on any object to serve any purpose.
Therefore, remaining unattached always performs the obligatory duty, for a person attains the Highest ( Salvation ) by performing one’s task without attachment.
Thus, Spiritual Thinking, the synchronization of our human thoughts with the Divine Mind, God, and Spirit within each of us, is the ultimate Spirit-based Ritual essential for Salvation. Krishna makes it abundantly clear that the purpose of all rituals (karma or duty) is to reach the stage of self-realization, which is spiritual thinking. Rituals are transitory phases on the path to Salvation or Moksha. There is no reason to think that Rituals are not essential to understanding their purpose, but doing it with attachment and fear is the obstacle to rise to salvation.
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