Spiritual Thinking is the simple path to Divine Wisdom.

Spiritual Thinking is the simple path to Divine Wisdom.

Job 28:28
Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to depart from evil is understanding.
Proverbs 1:7
Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.
Proverbs 4:6-7
Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.
Proverbs 16:16
How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose understanding rather than silver!
Ecclesiastes 2:26
To the man who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God.
1 Corinthians 1:25
For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength.
James 3:13
13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.

Thoughts from the human brain are influenced by the human ego and involves all the inherent weaknesses such as selfishness, pride, prejudiced and tilted thinking, etc. Divine Mind, God derived thoughts are selfless, humble, integrity, love for everyone and above all a trust and faith in all our fellow human beings. In Spiritual Thinking, we synchronize our human thoughts with the Divine Mind present in all of us all the time. This is done through acknowledging that God, Divine Mind is all in all, is Omnipotent, Omniscient and is omnipresent. This is followed by prayers to get God’s imput in all our thoughts. God, Divine Mind do not speak to us audibly, but passes His thoughts subtlywhen we keep our thoughts and minds clear. When swimming, we gently push the water away and this propels us forward. Eagles rise above the storm and use the wind to propel them. Likewise, when we push all our mortal thoughts and illusions away we will be able to hear clearly what God is saying, and that is what Spiritual Thinking is. It is free of human prejudices, hate, selfishness, etc. If we follow this in a disciplined manner without any ego, pride or prejudice, then all our decisions will turn out to be of superior quality, but also give us a lot of peace and happiness. Our human knowledge or intelligence has nothing to do with this phenomenon. This Wisdom is purely Divine bestowed. I will illustrate it by a few simple examples.
A baseball player who is good at hitting home runs consistently , may be a very bad academic student, but he knows to hit home runs. How does he do it? Is he able to calculate the trajectory he has to use, the impact strength necessary to carry the ball over the fence, or the physics involved in the ball’s travel outside the fence. No he does not know any of these things, but he can use all these scientific principles in hitting the home run. A physics professor will take some time to calculate all these factors and th,e player would have hit 10 home runs by then. This is called Divine wisdom and is God bestowed. Another example is a sculptor. He is able to chistle away all edges and cornes in a stone to be able to carve out a beautiful sculpture out of a stone. If we ask him , he will say that all he did was ro chip away all the pieces that did not belong to that sculpture. Only he could see the statue inside a piece of stone to chip away at the unwanted pieces so we can appreciate. That is divine wisdom. We all have access to it all the time, since God, Divine Mind dwell,s in each of us 24/7. The only thing we have to do is recognize and acknowledge it and bow ourselves and yield to that power. That is what Spiritual Thinking is. The more we recognrealizehe more we can eliminate our human ego and pride and enjoy all the goodness of peace, happin,ess and only the prosperity. It is our job to appeal to this Powerdivine Wisdom. That is the reason Spiritual Thinking is the simple path to Divine Wisdom.

You can find more about spiritual thinking in my book ‘ Think Spiritually- spiritual thinking for life at amazon.com


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By Sivaraman Raghu

Dr.Siv Raghu grew up in New Delhi, india. He moved to USA in his early twenties, obtained his PhD in Chemistry. He worked for a Fortune 100 Corporation for 15 years and spent another 30 years in consulting, own businesses, banking and transportation in the US. He then returned to India, continued his Gnana Yoga for self realization, while studying Upanishads and Bhagwat Gita. Through these blogs he is sharing his knowledge and insights into how Spiritual thinking enables one to attain peace, harmony and happiness. He has just released a book on Amazon on : Think Spiritually, Spiritual Thinking For Life. https://www.amazon.com/author/sivaraman_raghu/ ." From birth until our last breath, a supreme power stays inside us, allowing us to breathe, making all the material organs work, and giving us the five senses to guide us. This power, called by various names such as God, brahman, Yahweh, Allah, Divine Mind, etc., is the engine of life. This Divine Mind can help us anytime we seek God’s help. The Divine Mind has all control over us, but we can only appeal to it through affirmations that God is all in all and is the Sole power for all cause and effect in this universe. He is present in us 24/7 by synchronizing our human thoughts with this Divine Mind. God passes on his thoughts to us. This synchronization becomes habitual through constant prayers and affirmations, and we enjoy Peace, Harmony, Prosperity, and Happiness. This is called Spiritual Thinking and is the backbone of peaceful bliss in our lives."

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