Spiritual thinking is an excellent way to maintain good health.
Proverbs 4:20-22
The Wisdom of Scripture Brings Health.
Proverbs 14:30
Peace & Contentment Bring Life
Jeremiah 30:17
The Lord Restores Us To Health
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Our Bodies Belong To God, We Should Honor Him with It.
God, Divine Mind, Brahman, dwells inside us 24/7 and is the engine of life from birth until death. It is the only cause and effect of everything happening in this Universe. Divine Mind is the ever-present stabilizer in the human body as long as the person is alive and stabilizes every abnormality, whether it is emotional warfare, disease, addiction, or any psychosis. For the stabilization to work all the time, we need to practice Spiritual Thinking. Spiritual Thinking is the synchronization of our human brain-derived thoughts with the Divine Mind by constant affirmation of the Truth that God, the Divine Mind, is the only power operating in our life, is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, followed by meditation and prayer. This is similar to swimming, where we gently push the water aside to propel us forward. The same thing happens in jet propulsion. Meditation and prayer push away other humanly distracting thoughts that impede our spiritual focus. Every distracting human thought sways our attention from calmness, peace, and tranquility. The more the focus of our human mind on the truth, the easier it can synchronize our human thoughts with the Divine Mind inside us and enjoy absolute harmony, followed by eliminating all discordant feelings. As we reach this peaceful state, we eliminate all false manifestations in our body, such as fever, sickness, or any other abnormality, and enjoy perfect health.
Mary Baker Eddy, the founder and discoverer of Christian Science Church, in her midlife, had skidded off on the ice and was injured badly. The Doctors had given up hope for her survival. All the relatives and friends had gathered at her home in New Hampshire for her imminent death while leaving her alone in the upstairs bedroom. Mary was recollecting all of Jesus Christ’s healing, contemplating how he could do it, primarily how he had raised his friend Lazarus from the dead. Suddenly. Mary felt energized, got up from bed, dressed, and came downstairs. She wondered why all her friends and relatives had gathered; smilingly, she greeted them. From that moment came the birth of Christian Science, a Christian denomination globally dedicated to healing people from Sin and Disease. She then wrote the first edition of her book, “ Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” first published in 1875 and then published in all languages. She then Founded the metaphysical college of healing in Boston. She started the Christian Science in Boston, known as “The First Church of Christ Scientist”. Since then, the church has developed branches worldwide and stands as a monument to Mary Baer Eddy, which is living and growing steadily worldwide and dedicated to healing humanity of sin and disease.
We had discussed realities ( Truth) and unrealities ( Illusions) in one of the early posts:
We experience a lot of unrealities, such as disease and illnesses, because we are made to believe in them by the system consisting of doctors, insurance companies, the pharmaceutical industry, and the media constantly bombarding us with imagined diseases, miracle drugs to cure them, etc. All these false manifestations, including the pandemic, force us to believe in them. In the post following the above, how we can transcend these illusions through Spiritual Thinking by synchronization of our human brain-derived thoughts with the Divine Mind, God, and Brahman present in each of us 24/7:
As we start affirming the truth of Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient God, the Divine Mind is the only power in the universe and is the cause and effect of every event in this Universe, followed by Meditations and Prayer, we begin to hear God’s words of wisdom and all the false manifestations melt away Thus by constant practice of Spiritual Thinking we are always far above worldly illusions, enjoy peace, harmony and good health all the time. Thus, spiritual thinking is an excellent way to maintain good health all the time.
You can read more in the author’s book: Think Spiritually – Spiritual Thinking For Life. Available at Amazon.com
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आध्यात्मिक रूप से सोचें - जीवन के लिए आध्यात्मिक सोच ।
- आध्यात्मिक रूप से सोचें जन्म से लेकर हमारी अंतिम सांस तक, एक सर्वोच्च शक्ति हमारे भीतर रहती है, जो हमें सांस लेने देती है, सभी भौतिक अंगों को काम करने देती है, और हमें मार्गदर्शन करने के लिए पांच इंद्रियां देती है। ईश्वर, ब्रह्म, यहोवा, अल्लाह, ईश्वरीय मन आदि जैसे विभिन्न नामों से पुकारी जाने वाली यह शक्ति जीवन का इंजन है। यह दैवीय मन हमारी कभी भी मदद कर सकता है जब हम भगवान की मदद मांगते हैं। ईश्वरीय मन का हम पर पूरा नियंत्रण है, लेकिन हम केवल पुष्टि के माध्यम से उससे अपील कर सकते हैं कि ईश्वर सब कुछ है और इस ब्रह्मांड में सभी कारण और प्रभाव के लिए एकमात्र शक्ति है। वह हमारे मानवीय विचारों को इस दिव्य मन के साथ मिला कर 24/7 हमारे बीच मौजूद है। परमेश्वर अपने विचारों को हम तक पहुँचाता है। निरंतर प्रार्थना और प्रतिज्ञान के माध्यम से यह तुल्यकालन अभ्यस्त हो जाता है, और हम शांति, सद्भाव, समृद्धि और खुशी का आनंद लेते हैं। इसे आध्यात्मिक सोच कहा जाता है और यह हमारे जीवन में शांतिपूर्ण आनंद की रीढ़ है।
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