Spiritual Thinking is a superior way of life.
Mark 8:18
“Having eyes see ye not? And having ears, hear ye not? And do ye remember not?”
What do we mean by the above? We see and hear things with our mortal eyes and ears are not necessarily the truth. The truth is what you perceive by letting the Divine Mind pass on the information to the human mind through spiritual intuitions; why would we rather believe what we see and hear. In one of the Upanishads, Isoupanishad, God, Divine Mind, Brahman is referred to as “that .”It says, “That” which cannot be seen creates everything in the universe that can be seen. “That” is responsible for every cause and effect.
Another Upanishad, Mandukoupanishad, describes the whole life as a dream, and our everyday dreams are a dream within a dream. In our post on Reality( Truth) and Unreality( illusion), we discussed how unreality is temporal, and realities are permanent. For example, even though we experience fever, aches and pains look so real, that is an abnormality when we get sick. We return to a normal state when we recover. Likewise, anger is an abnormal state, and once it subsides, we become calm and patient. A rope on the ground may look like a snake from a distance, but when we get closer, we can recognize that it is a rope. On a cloudy day, we can not see the Sun. that does not mean the Sun is not there. All we have to do is go up beyond the clouds; we can see the bright Sun. we covered reality and unreality in an earlier post
Spiritual Thinking is very much the same. You clear all the illusions created by the human mind to reveal the truth. The Divine Mind, God, Brahman is present as a whole in each one of us, and by synchronization of the human mind with the Divine Mind, we can perceive the truth in every situation. I had discussed how we achieve this in an earlier post through affirmations and prayer:https://www.thinkspiritually.net/affirmations-and-prayer-an-essential-component-for-divine-mind-synchronization/2021/12/19/self-improvement/uncategorized/
Since I had practiced Spiritual Thinking from an early age, when I reached the mid-upper management, I infuriated much lying management personnel who tried to convince me of their lies. Since it became an untenable situation, I left the Corporation to pursue things independently, but this attempt to lie to convince me of untruths never worked. God has sustained me through all this ordeal. Our whole system is based on convincing people of lies. The Doctor tries to convince patients of imaginary sickness to keep their profession going; the lawyer tries to convince you of all legal problems, the politicians try to convince you of lies, the insurance companies try to convince of potential mishaps, all trying to keep expanding their business by making you dependent on them for survival. There is no end to this. While we want to be part of the system and contribute to the welfare of everyone, we need not sacrifice our peace and harmony all the time. By constantly affirming only one reality, God and He are all-in-all, we attain a proper balance and peace and tranquility. If you practice spiritual Thinking for some time, you automatically synchronize your thoughts with the Divine Mind and enjoy peace and harmony all the time. That is the reason. Spiritual Thinking is a superior way of life.
You can read more in the authior’s book: Think Spiritually – Spiritual Thinking For Life available at Amazon.com
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