Spiritual Thinking is a simple way to counter targeted misinformation.

Think Spiritually

Spiritual Thinking is a simple way to counter targeted misinformation.

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Spiritual Thinking is a simple way to counter targeted misinformation.

Matthew 24:24
False Christs and prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, even the elect, if possible.
Isaiah 8:20
To the law and the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.
Daniel 12:4
‘But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book until the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.’
John 15:18-19
“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
• 2 Corinthians 10:3-4
Though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,

• Ephesians 6:11
Put on the whole armor of God so that you can stand against the devil’s wiles.

• 2 Thessalonians 2:3
Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of Sin is revealed, the son of perdition,

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 3, Verse 9
So, there is nothing evil in work as such. The evil lies in its motive – the desire for reward and enjoyment.
Bhagwat Gita:
“It is a sin to commit injustice but a greater sin to tolerate injustice.”

What is misinformation? Mis-information is the information passed on to mislead a person or people, to gain an advantage over that person or people, to manipulate them to do what you want. Politicians do that all the time so that they will vote for you instead of the opponent. With the advent of Social Media, this has become particularly valuable because it promotes sharing such information with all your contacts and acquaintances so that you gain an advantage of propagation at no cost. Advertisements on online networks appeal to a large audience. But to be more effective, advertisements are personalized by snooping on your computer or phone to see what searches you do and what products you look at through a website and use that to tailor ads to push you to buy from them. It has some benefits, but for the fact that your movements online are effectively followed. In other words, you are sacrificing your privacy for a slight advantage. Social media companies and internet giants have used this technology to spread information specific to you. The Governments jumped on this to keep tabs on their citizens and spread misinformation to particular people when they want them to believe something they know is a lie, and big companies also take advantage of that. The only self-control they show depends on the conscience of the individual calling the shots, and frequently, most of these people are puppets of some higher authority who decides. If a particular individual is targeted because you do not like him for his intellect, integrity, race, culture, etc., what are the options for the individual without reacting negatively? When you recognize that God created you in His image and likeness, you also understand that the creator supports you by being inside each of us as Divine Mind, Brahman, and guides you through your arrogance-caused pains. Since the supply is all Spiritual, as Jesus said, “Seek ye the Kingdom of Heaven, and all these things shall be added unto you.” Spiritual Thinking is the way to seek the kingdom of heaven. When you synchronize your human thoughts derived from fear and pain caused by all the crooks with the Divine Mind inside us, we not only feel at peace but also God also gives us ideas and thoughts on managing whatever little resources you have, just as Jesus fed five thousand people with two fishes and five loaves of bread. It is the current distorted capitalist and racist systems that cause this to target people with unique talent and intellect. The sad part is that the people responsible for this behavior will themselves have to face the consequences sooner or later, and that is God’s law.
These technologies can be beneficial to help people in distress or with special needs rather than being misused against good people. Unfortunately, greed and power corrupt even compassionate people, who, once given the power and authority, become corrupt, especially when they fully know they are incompetent. Thank heavens, God inside us is always there to hold our hands and lead us, though it seems so slow. The consoling part is that throughout history, good people have suffered at the hands of tyrants and evil-doers. For example., Joseph had to endure a lot of suffering before he was exalted next to Pharoah, His descendants; the Jews had to take a lot of suffering before Moses rescued them four hundred years later. In Mahabharata, the good souls Pandavas had to spend thirteen years in exile before reclaiming their kingdom. Rama had to spend fourteen years facing all the Demons in wild forests before ascending to the throne. India and its people endured much suffering during plunderous Afgan invasions in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries and under Moghul Emperors and English rule for five centuries before gaining independence. We are fortunate that we have Spiritual Thinking available to us that no tyrant can take away, and it is ours to keep no matter where we are, whether in jail in a ghetto or a palace, and for that, we can be grateful. Therefore, Spiritual Thinking is a simple way to counter targeted misinformation.
A short Video of the epic Mahabharatha:

You can read more in the author’s book Think Spiritually – Spiritual Thinking For Life, available at Amazon.com.

You can buy the e-book “Think Spiritually – Spiritual Thinking For Life” for only $5.00 below.


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You can buy the e-book “Think Spiritually – Spiritual Thinking For Life”- German Version for only $5.00 below.



You can buy the e-book “Think Spiritually – Spiritual Thinking For Life”- Spanish Version for only $5.00 below.


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By Sivaraman Raghu

Dr.Siv Raghu grew up in New Delhi, india. He moved to USA in his early twenties, obtained his PhD in Chemistry. He worked for a Fortune 100 Corporation for 15 years and spent another 30 years in consulting, own businesses, banking and transportation in the US. He then returned to India, continued his Gnana Yoga for self realization, while studying Upanishads and Bhagwat Gita. Through these blogs he is sharing his knowledge and insights into how Spiritual thinking enables one to attain peace, harmony and happiness. He has just released a book on Amazon on : Think Spiritually, Spiritual Thinking For Life. https://www.amazon.com/author/sivaraman_raghu/ ." From birth until our last breath, a supreme power stays inside us, allowing us to breathe, making all the material organs work, and giving us the five senses to guide us. This power, called by various names such as God, brahman, Yahweh, Allah, Divine Mind, etc., is the engine of life. This Divine Mind can help us anytime we seek God’s help. The Divine Mind has all control over us, but we can only appeal to it through affirmations that God is all in all and is the Sole power for all cause and effect in this universe. He is present in us 24/7 by synchronizing our human thoughts with this Divine Mind. God passes on his thoughts to us. This synchronization becomes habitual through constant prayers and affirmations, and we enjoy Peace, Harmony, Prosperity, and Happiness. This is called Spiritual Thinking and is the backbone of peaceful bliss in our lives."

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