Spiritual Thinking is a simple way to achieve Mental Stability.

Think Spiritually

Spiritual Thinking is a simple way to achieve Mental Stability.

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Spiritual Thinking is a simple way to achieve Mental Stability.

With a world in turmoil, with two regional wars on the edge of a greater conflict, extreme weather patterns because of unattended climate changes, about 64 countries having their elections choosing new leaders, and all the divisive, chaotic campaigns spewing lies and falsehoods to get elected, and the courts struggling to administer justice with leaders stymying the judicial system with deliberate delaying tactics with frivolous arguments, it is no wonder that there is such a strain on people’s lives. In these times, Spiritual Thinking, by synchronizing our confused human thoughts with the Divine Mind inside us, provides some comfort, peace, and security. The more we acknowledge Divine Control of all the chaos, the more we will be able to assess the Truths and elect competent and honest leaders to ensure a promising future for our children. May God’s divine Mind prevail and establish peace and prosperity during these challenging times.

Spiritual Thinking is an excellent way to achieve mental harmony.

Psalm 133:1
Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to unite!”.

Colossians 3:14.
“And above all these things put on charity, the bond of perfectness.”

One peter 3:8
. Finally, all of you live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, and be compassionate and humble.

Romans 12:16
Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people in a low position. Do not be conceited.

Ephesians 4:3
– “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”

Romans 14:1
Therefore, Let us try to do what leads to peace and mutual edification.

Bhagwad Gita:
It is essential to maintain a sense of friendship with all beings and adopt an attitude of surrender toward the Supreme Power.

In our everyday lives, we run into many situations that can cause us to get out of focus, get distracted, experience discord, and lose our mental harmony. Is this something we can overcome and enjoy mental harmony all the time? Let us explore some hypothetical situations. For example, this year is an Election Year, and both parties overload us with misinformation, leaving us confused about which party will be good for our future, our country’s future, and suitable for future generations. The media, which does not care about harmony or the future and is interested only in how many people read their posts on social media, or the traditional media, like the networks, want to influence the people’s thinking collectively and be the kingmaker, especially during the elections. Let us take another situation. If you are experiencing a little pain due to some strain in the stomach region and you go for a Doctor’s visit, He says he is concerned and wants to get a scan done to make sure that it is not an ulcer or stomach cancer. Whether it is severe or not, he has made you worried about what is going to happen to me. What if I die? The Doctor has gotten you concerned about a slight pain and gets you to lose your sleep over it. Though hypothetical, these situations and events always keep you on edge. The above are only a couple of examples, but this can continue because the global economy in a capitalistic world is built on people being confused and worried all the time/ If a Doctor tells you to take some Maalox. You will be fine. He is not making any money for his employer, the hospital, or an insurance company. By suggesting scans and other tests, he makes money for the hospital, especially if he can make you keep coming back so they can make more money. He will even suggest you may have a disease yet to be named. A lawyer makes money by making you worried about lawsuits and fraudsters taking your money, but it is ok for him to suck you dry. You earn a raise by working hard, but you do not get to see any of it since these suckers and the Government is waiting to find a clever way of taking it back. It is hard to blame anyone because the economy has to grow for progress, and they have to find new ways to keep it going. Every segment and every nation wants to grow faster than the others and have a hysteria about doing this so that the politicians can get reelected. Under these conditions, how can we balance and find our mental peace and harmony?

While this mental madness goes on, there is one stable entity that never changes and is constant. That is God, and He is present inside each of us as the Divine Mind, Brahman, driving each of the engines of life 24/7. This is as close as we want Him to be. You do not have to take a Pilgrimage to Mecca or the Himalayas to visit Him or His shrines. You have to realize that He is as close hugging you, right inside you, no matter what the external situation is, whether it be an earthquake, Fire, Hurricane, or Tornado, He is right inside you, holding not only your hands but your entire body and mind together. He is the only cause and effect in this universe. By praying and meditating on this truth, you eliminate all the worldly distractions and focus your thoughts on Him. By doing this, you have pushed all the distractions to Him, and He is constantly aware of everything that is bothering you. Thus, when you synchronize your human thoughts on any issue with the Divine Mind, God, and Brahman inside us, and since he already knows about these issues, you will start to hear His take on these issues, and implementable ideas will become very clear. If you were not solving problems but just peace and harmony, they would suddenly appear, and you would be peaceful and happy. By practicing this process called Spiritual Thinking, you can always enjoy peace, harmony, prosperity, and happiness. This is what prophets did all the time during history, and they could help people do this all the time by practice.
Thus, spiritual thinking is an excellent way for mental harmony.

I learned spiritual thinking very early on through the influence of the great Swamiji. I met Swami Sivananda during our visit to his Ashram in Rishikesh, on the River Ganges banks, in the Himalayas’ foothills directly across the river from Gitabhavan on the other side. We spent over a week with him, which deeply impressed me. I read Upanishads and Gita at his urging, though it made sense later. But still, it helped me discipline my mind to follow God. His universal Prayer influenced me the most and is indicated below:

Spiritual Thinking is the ultimate way for self-realization.

Matthew 11:28-30 NIV
28 “Come to me, all weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Matthew 16:24-25 NIV
24 Then Jesus told his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow me. 25 For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.

Ephesians 4:22-24 NIV
22 You were taught, about your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

1 Corinthians 13:12 NIV
For now, we see only a reflection in a mirror; then, we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

Bhagwad Gita Chapter 4: 7-10

7. whenever there is a decline of virtue and an increase of vice, do I manifest myself?

8. I manifest myself in every age to protect the pious, destroy the evil-doers, and establish virtue.

9. HE who truly knows Me does not get rebirth after casting off the body; He attains Me.

10. Many who were free from attachment, fear, and anger and absorbed in Me, who had taken refuge in Me and were purified by the austerity of knowledge, have attained My state.

God created man in His image and likeness. However, man drifted away and developed a human brain based on ego and pride. This made man become haughty, subjugate other God-created human beings, build hatred and animosity towards others who looked different or behaved differently, develop racism, spread lies and falsehoods, lack honesty and integrity, engage in anti-social behavior, exploit others, etc. When such people became leaders by getting elected illegitimately, they attracted many others who were disgruntled and not able to compete fairly, which brought in additional evil-doers into the camp. When evil vs good shifted, false manifestations such as pandemics, disease, violence, and crimes increased dramatically, affecting a lot of school-age children. We started having increased gun violence, deaths, and hatred. There was a great need for people’s collective thinking to change to how God intended them to be. This is where God’s divine mind instructed me to try to spread Spiritual Thinking, and it has become my mission since the Pandemic started. Despite intense opposition from the Devil and evil-intentioned people, I have kept up my mission, hopefully changing one soul at a time. Does that mean I will not help with a problem in their industry, management, or chemistry, where I was always considered extra-ordinary, but you have to seek my help and not think I will solicit any work from them? It is like autocrats ordering God, the Divine Mind, to work for them. God’s divine Mind is always ready to help us, but we must seek His help and Pray. My primary mission will be to propagate spiritual thinking for life since that is the only way to reform evil thinkers.

Let us again go through God, the Divine Mind, and Spiritual Thinking. From birth until our last breath, before we die, a Supreme Power stays inside us, helping us breathe, keep all our five senses active, and make all organs work as created. These activities happen due to an unconditional Love from the Super Power called the Divine Mind, Brahman, or God. In addition, the same God is there inside all living beings, unconditionally driving the engine of life, whether we are saints or crooks. Since God is already inside us, He also has allowed us to seek His help whenever we need it. To approach Him inside, we must have consecrated attention to Him and eliminate distracting human thoughts. This can be done by focused prayers and meditation, which sweep away all distracting human ego-derived thoughts and suppress our human ego to enable us to hear God, the Divine Mind’s words of wisdom. When implemented, these ideas will solve any problem and provide peace, prosperity, and happiness. This is called Spiritual Thinking and is the result of synchronizing our human thoughts with the Divine Mind inside each of us. Since the same God is present in each of us, there will be communal, national, and global harmony on every issue. All conflicts arise only from our human ego, pride, and arrogance, and once eliminated, we can attain complete peace and harmony. When continuously practiced, it becomes habitual, and we reach a perfect unity with the Divine mind or Self-Realization.
The whole Bhagwad Gita originated from a Great War called Mahabharatha. Two sets of brothers with the same lineage, ‘Kauravas’ ( 100 brothers), sons of blind King Dridrashtra and his brother acting, King Pandu. And his five sons constituted the ‘Pandavas.’ There was always a rivalry between the two sets of brothers. Whereas the Pandavas always lived righteously, the Kauravas always cheated, influenced by their maternal uncle Saguni. Under the guidance of Saguni, Kauravas invited the Pandavas to a game called ‘Dice,’ which Saguni designed. When the Pandavas lost the game, Kauravas grabbed their kingdom and drove them to exile in a wild forest for 12 years, followed by exile incognito for another year. When that 13-year exile ended, and Pandavas came to ask for their Kingdom back, Kauravas refused, and the Mahabharatha war ensued. Lord Krishna was a first cousin to both groups, and when He asked what kind of help the Kauravas wanted, the leader of Kauravas, Duryodhana, wanted the entire Krishna army. When Krishna asked the chief warrior Arjuna from the Pandavas the same question, Arjuna replied’Just You by our Side.’ Krishna decided to be Arjuna’s Charioteer. During the war, Arjuna’s son Abhimanyu was killed. A dejected Arjuna that he does not want to fight with his relatives and kill them. Krishna then advises Arjuna in 18 chapters of poems, emphasizing that only the bodies will be destroyed; the Soul, Spirit, and Brahman are eternal. These 18 chapters are the Bhagwad Gita. A Video of Mahabharatha is given below.

Spiritual Thinking is a great way to counter whiners.

1 Corinthians 10:10.
“nor grumble, as some of them did and were destroyed by the Destroyer.”.

James 5:9.
“Do not grumble against one another, brothers, so that you may not be judged; behold, the Judge is standing at the door.”.

Jude 1:16.
These people are grumblers and complainers, living only to satisfy their desires. They brag loudly about themselves,

1 Thessalonians 5:18.
“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”.

Ephesians 4:29. “ 29
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is pleasing to the use of edifying may minister grace.

Psalm 106:25.
“They murmured in their tents and did not obey the voice of the Lord.”.

Bhagwad Gita Chapter 2:10
When things do not go our way, we grumble, complain, and want to run away. But we must face them and conquer them.

There are enough whiners in this world, and they keep growing with social media, which helps them to whine. The more they whine, the more followers they have on social media. There is the saying, ‘Misery loves company,’ the company grows so big that people have made a big business of it and raised millions of dollars by constantly complaining about everything. They do this because they have no fresh ideas or vision to grow, be prosperous, happy, and contended. This is usually a childhood behavior, and social media has made it a contagion and the social media owners are not even ashamed of themselves for being so greedy. Let us analyze how this whining behavior develops.

When a child is born, the newborn needs a way of communicating when they are hungry, experience any discomfort, or are wet, and at that stage, God has bestowed them with only one choice, and that is crying. They start to cry when they are hungry, wet, or having some pain somewhere. The initial response from the mother is to feed them, and when that does not work, she checks if the baby is wet, and then only she begins to think that there may be some cramps in the stomach. At this point, the baby has learned that crying got his attention. The babies are resilient and optimistic, and despite so many failures and falls, they slowly learn to crawl, sit up, and then walk, and this positive activity continues. However, they all always remember one thing: that crying gets attention. Positive babies outgrow that behavior and move on to learn other things that give them a lot of joy and happiness. But some remember only one thing, and that is ‘that crying gets attention. When they learn to speak, they are still interested in using the crying weapon but modified to complaining. Because they are obsessed with crying and complaining, their knowledge and intellectual curiosity never develop, and so when they face others with intellect and knowledge since they cannot compete on that level, they resort to ‘crying and complaining’ as a means to push the others away until they find their kind following the principle. ‘misery loves company.’ As they grow into adults, they start using the ‘crying and whining’ along with another added quality, ‘Lying and Cheating, and start looking for suckers who will believe them. This keeps [s growing and becomes such a menace that they add another quality, ‘intimidation,’ because they find people do not like the three other qualities and are trying to run away. Finally, suppose they get a sizable number to join them and get elected. In that case, they become ‘Dictators,’ leading everyone to ‘Division and Destruction’ instead of ‘Unity and Construction.’ This is what happened, as I discussed in the previous post, where the ‘Kauravas’ were leading to the destruction of the Mahabharatha war until ‘Pandavas’ led by Lord Krishna and the chief warrior Arjuna were able to emerge victorious and establish a Peaceful world. More recently, America had to spearhead a war against the tyrants ‘Hitler and Mussolini’ and restore Peace in the world after World War II.

God, Divine Mind, Brahman is inside each of us 24/7, driving the engine of life from birth until death. He is the only Power in this Universe, and He does not share His Power with anyone, but He is the preserver of all Good. Since He is always inside us as Divine Mind, we can seek His help on any issue, and He is ready to help us. However, to approach Him, we must clear all worldly illusions, fake news, lies, and negativity; this is done by affirming He is the only Power and meditating on this truth. When you meditate and contemplate, you eliminate all distracting thoughts derived from the human brain and ego, and your thoughts get synchronized with the Divine Mind inside. You start seeing the truth clearly and bring fresh ideas and solutions. This purified mind can counter all whining and complaining and gives you a vision and positivity. Even the whiners could change their habits if they realized that God is right inside them and will become optimistic and positive. They will need to say goodbye to their old habits. A prime example of always being positive despite all the adversity in his life from childhood is that of Joseph in History.

In the Old Testament, Joseph was the son of the patriarch Jacob and his wife Rachel. Jacob’s name became synonymous with all of Israel, so that of Joseph was eventually equated with all the tribes that made up the northern kingdom. According to tradition, his bones were buried at Shechem, the oldest shrine in the north (Joshua 24:32). His story is told in Genesis (37–50).
Joseph, the most beloved of Jacob’s sons, is hated by his envious brothers. Angry and jealous of Jacob’s gift to Joseph, a glorious “coat of many colors,” the brothers seize him and sell him to a party of Ishmaelites, or Midianites, who carry him to Egypt. There, Joseph eventually gained the favor of the pharaoh of Egypt through his interpretation of a dream and obtained a high place in the pharaoh’s kingdom. His acquisition of grain supplies enabled Egypt to withstand famine. Driven by the same famine, his brothers journey from Canaan to Egypt to obtain food. They prostrate themselves before Joseph but do not recognize him. After Joseph reconciles with his brothers, he invites Jacob’s whole household to come to Goshen in Egypt, where a settlement is provided for the family and their flocks. His brothers’ sale of Joseph into slavery thus proves providential in the end since it protects the family from famine. The family’s descendants grew and multiplied into the Hebrews, who eventually departed from Egypt for Israel.

You can read more in the author’s book: Think Spiritually – Spiritual Thinking For Life. Available at Amazon.com




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