Think Spiritually
Spiritual Thinking is a simple way of Refining our Thoughts.
Isaiah 28:23
Give an ear and hear my voice; listen and hear my words.
Psalm 116:2
Because He has inclined His ear to me, I shall call upon Him as long as I live.
Proverbs 8:33
“Heed instruction and be wise, And do not neglect it.
John 8:47
He who is of God hears the words of God; for this reason, you do not hear them because you are not of God.”
Luke 11:28
But He said, “On the contrary, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.”
If we were to listen to God, we all whom God creates, The Divine Mind, would be thinking differently because human beings develop an ego and pride; these direct our thoughts in the wrong direction. That is the primary reason for all the problems we encounter in life, even if we make much Money. But God, the Divine Mind, is with us all the time, allowing us to correct our thoughts. That is what Spiritual Thinking is. To enable this process to become second nature, we discussed in an earlier post how affirmations of the Truth that God is all followed by sincere prayers could synchronize our thoughts with the Divine Mind. Affirmations and prayer-essential components of Divine Mind Synchronization:
This becomes second nature through constant practice. So now we can look at how this process works.
Gratitude and Forgiveness: The Two Cornerstones of Spirituality
As we had discussed in the previous posting, affirmation and prayer will enable you to synchronize your mortal mind and thoughts with the divine mind. When this happens, you get ready to receive the blessings, either the ones you desire in your prayer or other benefits. Because this will be an appropriate time, you can thank God for the gifts. This expression of thanks is called gratitude, a word derived from two words: grateful and attitude. When you feel gratitude, no matter how small a gift you have received, you also get ready to receive more. The opposite of gratitude is dismay, dissatisfaction, and anger. These immediately cut off your mortal mind’s connection with the divine mind, and all the hard work you had put in earlier will go waste. For example, if you get a smaller raise than another at work and are dissatisfied, expand less frustration, which shows in your career; you might even get fired. That is why your gratitude for every small or large blessing is essential. You can even express gratitude before receireceivinging, which will show your trust in the Divine Mind and things faster. When you have gratitude, this shows in your face, attracts people, and creates better relationships. These qualities will positively have great benefits. Gratitude is essential to climb up the spiritual ladder,
When God created man, he also laid out all the rules to live by and the pathway to salvation. He, however, knew that not everyone would follow these paths, would develop other qualities like anger, envy, and hate, and would adopt any means to grab the blessings some are bestowed for following the right paths. This is because, for some who are led by their human mind and ego, it is easier to grab all the goodies by committing crimes like cheating, stealing, killing, et. c, than follow the right path. In this process, they betray hurt good people to enrich themselves and win favor with the leaders who are also like them. This is what happened with Jesus. One of his disciples by the name of Judas Iscariot, betrayed Jesus and colluded with the crowd who wanted to arrest Jesus and hand him over to the chief priest of the Jews, who called Jesus a false prophet. Judas received thirty silvers in exchange for the information he gave about the whereabouts of Jesus and his other disciples. As a result, Jesus was crucified, and before he died, he said,d” forgive them, father, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). This forgiveness of people who were about to crucify him was so powerful that he was able to rise from the tomb his body was entombed in and show himself with his disciples three times before he ascended to heaven. The point is that forgiveness is a quality that gets you a pass into the high-speed elevator to climb on the spiritual path. So let us make it a habit of forgiving everyone who may have hurt us knowingly or unknowingly. If you cannot ignore it, ask the Father, God, to forgive them. God will be more than happy to do that for you and give credit to you.
Thinking Spiritually – Faith, Persistence, Trust, and Hope
Thinking spiritually, what is Faith? In Hebrews 11-1, Faith is defined as the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen. Spiritually, Faith is about the future that we cannot see presently. Let us analyze this spiritually a little more. When a child is born, even though they do rituality, the child is naturally spiritual. They are not influenced by external thinking, so the child does everything intuitively. For example, he rolls around when he has another to move, sits on his own, and starts walking using his legs.
Even though he falls over and over, he does not give up. His faith is so strong that he will keep trying until he has perfected his walking. That is thinking spiritually. They believe that he can walk and is not discouraged by falling. That is persistence,d that is a spiritual quality. That is what Faith is all about, that you believe in something good and make it happen. Life is filled with that kind of belief as we grow up. The parents believe in a bright future, so they send the kids to school so that they can learn. When one gets married, you think that you will have a good and happy marriage, etc. Spiritually speaking, all our actions are based on belief, trust, and hope to create a promising future.
Let us look at the current Pandemic spiritually. God, the divine, Mind certainly did not create it since the divine mind creates only good. So, spiritually, where did the pandemic come from? Spiritually thinking is just a manifestation of an unreality caused by our belief system. You develop vaccines and other remedies, and a new variant shows up. Looking at it spiritually, since God’s Divine Mind is only good, this pandemic will disappear when we all understand this manifestation of unreality. Since God knows we are created as humans with a body and minds of our own, we will experience such unrealities., To protect ourselves and others as vulnerable humans, we must take precautions such as face masks, vaccinations, etc. Once we realize that most people do it by following the protocols, praying, and affirming, we will return to everyday life. That is why our faith, trust, and hope are essential spiritually.
Every human progress is based on faith, perseverance, trust, and hope, and we must believe that good lies ahead. When we travel by train and go through a tunnel, we have to think that there is light at the other end. So likewise, when we take a flight, we have to believe that we will have a safe takeoff and landing. Spiritually that is what everyday faith is all about. If your life is based on some trust other than faith and spiritual truth, you would be reassured about everything and be unhappy.
To the human eye, a rock is just a rock. But to a sculptor, he sees a beautiful statue inside, and using a whistle and hammer, he chips away all that is extraneous and creates something that even a human eye can wonder about and appreciate. Unfortunately, most of us can only wonder and only think spiritually. What, we can understand, how it came about. So thinking spiritually is critical to developing faith, trust, hope, and success, and that requires constant learning, attitude, and practice.
Thinking Spiritually – How It Differs From Thinking Materially
How Spiritual thinking differs from materialistic thinking: Spiritual thinking starts from God as being all-in-all. He is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. Spiritual that is all-powerful, present everywhere, and all-knowing. He is the cause and effect of everything in this universe. On the other hand, material thinking is derived from the human mind and ego and is prone to selfishness, envy, greed, and hatred. Consequently, material-based thinking will have undesirable consequences. Let me illustrate this with a few examples.
Suppose we are out of a job, run out of resources, are tired of looking for a job, and get hungry, but we need more money to buy food. So we start to ask strangers for help, beg, but most of them turn us down. Even if someone helped, we could buy just one meal, and the process will repeat. On the other hand, we go back to the Truth that the divine mind created us and the infinite mind has unlimited sources to help, and He will not let us starve. It gives confidence in your face. You suddenly help some older man cross the street. He is very thankful and finds out what you are doing. In return, he says not to worry; he makes a few calls, and you get a good job, and all your worries have vanished. I agree that this is just an imagination, but it is not too far from how God, the divine mind, comes to your help in time. That is one of the laws of God’s adjustment. Adam Dickey, one of the assistants of Mary Baker Eddy, founder and discoverer of Christian Science, wrote an article back in 1916 in the Christian Science Journal ( ). As I had mentioned, God, the Divine , is in and there to help you in any situation if you seek His help or have practiced synchronizing your mind with the Divine Mind.
The two paths, materialistic and spiritual thinking, are not parallel or convergent. The farther you are in worldly thinking, the greater the distance from spiritual thinking because materialistic thinking is based on the human ego. The ego will be much more significant as you keep moving on that path. On the other hand, spiritual reflection is not based on the human ego but the opposite: the God within you is all-powerful and surrendering all selfishness and ego to God. It is possible to shift to spiritual thinking at any stage, but it requires even greater practice and humility. Once it becomes intuit,tive you will be able to many conflicts—one of the areas of most excellent conflict is significant making somcriticalnt decisions with several choices. The way you can decide is to see which option produces the most harmony. Since God, the divine mind wants you to be harmonious, that is probably the right choice. Even if it is not the right choice, the divine mind will force you to change in the right direction. This is the principle of spiritual thinking. It will allow refining reviewing when nreallyallt needs are complete trust in God. Spiritual threflectioneads you to peace, happiness, and harmony.
Spiritual Thinking-The Power Of Unlimited
The human mind and thoughts derived from it are limited in scope. The same is true when describing a shape or form to the divine mind. This is because God the God’s mind is infinite, all-powerful, all-knowing, and is present in the entire space. In other words, it is unlimited. That is why, in an earlier post, I had likened it to the term infinity in mathematics. Just as infinity divided by, multiplied by, subtracted, or added by any number is still infinity. This unlimited power enables God to be present as a whole in every being in this universe. When we understand this, it is easy to comprehend that his supply and resources are unlimited, and so is his collection. When the human mind thinks of need, he thinks of only a limited supply, such as a job, food when he is hungry, and money to meet those needs, which may be limited by what he possesses at that moment. In spiritual thinking, when our thoughts are synchronized with the divine mind, all God has is available to us. That I the reason spiritual thinking is power unlimited. This is the principle Jesus used when he was able to feed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish and be leftover with twelve baskets of food. Another example of this principle was the old testament when Prophet Elisha asked a widowed woman when the debtors had taken her two sons as enslaved people on the death of her husband, to fill a small amount of oil she had left to fill all borrowed jars and sell the oil. The oil had multiplied so much that all the debts were paid off, the sons were freed, and they had enough money left over for the rest of their lives. Similar examples are found in Mahabharatha literature, where a vessel named Akshaya Patra was inexhaustible.
God, the divine mind, and the infinite mind have unlimited resources for any situation. Therefore, by practicing spiritual thinking, Gnana Yoga, we can always be assured unconditional help from the infinite mind. This is true not only of all material needs but also ideas, concepts, plans, etc., and practical means of implementing them. Knowing this, we can be free from worry.
Plane of Thought in Superior Problem Solving
Have you heard of out-of-the-box thinking? What does that mean? When we keep looking at a problem for some time, we are conditioned to look at the same level of thinking as the problem. In this process, we stop considering solutions that seem to be obscure. A typical example is when you misplace a TV remote or Car keys, you get panicky and keep looking at the same places. When you forget about the problem and concentrate on something else, you suddenly remember where you placed the remote when you got up to answer the phone. Let us take another problem everyone in New York City would have encountered in driving around. It is called a gridlock in traffic when someone does not follow the traffic signal, the total traffic comes to a halt, and no one can move at a four-way intersection. Fortunately, though not in New York City, someone was looking at the gridlock from a different plane, a place higher than the surface of the problem, and was able to design the traffic moving in one set of the intersection at a higher plane and constructed what is called a Flyover. As a result, the two roads crossing each other are at different heights, and the traffic moves without interruption in all directions. This is now common in all freeways, with several highways crisscrossing at several levels. These ideas develop if you practice spiritual thinking when the human mind is free of clutter when coordinated with the divine mind. As I mentioned in the previous post, Prophet Elisha could think of using the little bit of oil that the grieving widow had and could multiply it and sell it to free her two sons. Spiritual thinking, being at a different plane of thought for superior problem-solving. With constant practice, this can become habitual.
As a corporate employee, my research group worked on a difficult complex. Even though we had lots of ideas and several Ph.D. scientists worked on the problem for several months and developed mountains of data, there was no solution. The project was going to be terminated at the end of the year, and it was early December. On a Friday night, I was praying and handed over the problem to the divine mind saying, ‘ if there was a solution, please let me know. I went to bed and had a scribble pad next to me just in case God responded. Heaven beholds; I woke up in the middle of the night with specific instructions, and simple too. I noted it down, went to the laboratory myself, and tried it; It worked precisely. I dumped the materials and went home. On Monday morning, I told a couple of scientists to try that, and they came to me running, saying it worked great. I acted surprised not to take away their joy, and we scaled it up within a week, and the project was revived. Since then, I have had several problems solved this way. He finds a solution at a different level when we hand over the issue. Thus the plane of thought in superiorspecialolving always works.
Divine Mind Spiritually Manifests Unlimited Supply
God, Divine Mind, and Brahman are the cause and effect of everything happening in this universe. He represents infinity, and his resources have no limits, and He is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient. When we synchronize our thoughts with the Divine Mind, we also synchronize our purpose with His purpose for us in this life. Since He represents only good, His goal for us is also good. When we have needs, we think of a job that will provide us with an income to meet all our material needs. This frequently arises from our material thinking.
While this may be the means that Divine Mind also thinks is our purpose, that may not be necessarily so. Jesus said,” take no thought of what ye shall eat, nor what ye shall clothe, for God knows that ye need all these things. Seek ye the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added unto you.” This kingdom of heaven synchros synchronizes the mind with the Divine Mind. As we had discussed before is achieved through affirmations, prayer, and constant practice. Once we do that, all of God’s resources are also ours and are unlimited. When we understand that the supply for all our needs is spiritual and not material, it becomes continuous, unlike a job that may be temporal.
Once the human mind is synchronized with the Divine Mind, then the Divine Mind spiritually manifests unlimited supply. Materialistic thinking is limited in scope and vision, whereas spiritual reflection is completed. While it is difficult for the human mind to comprehend how Jesus could feed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fishes, it was natural for Jesus to demonstrate the truth. The human mind, which cannot explain this phenomenon and calls it a miracle, is an otnothingut natural for spi, ua ally conditioned mind. For a spiritually prepared reason, what Jesus did or for Israelites to find their supply of manna falling from the sky and Moses finding water by striking ng rock is normal. The average is spiritual and is always there in plenty, but we must demonstrate that the Divine Mind spiritually manifests unlimited supply. All we have to do is illustrate the truth; the reality is always there.
Superior Intuitions and insights from thinking spiritually
We all have gut instincts on some subject; where does that come from? Our ego drives our human mind, which is pretty useless and can think only materially. However, through frequent affirmations of the truth of only one reality, God, the divine Mind is the only power and the cause of all-cause and effect in this universe, we can synchronize our human mind with the divine mind. The religious reason, sense, is pres, ent in each one of us from birth to death and is the power that drives our life, life to aid us all the time. These intuitions, foresight, and insights occur when the human mind communicates with the divine mind inside us. Our objective is to synchronize this interaction with constant prayers and affirmations so that we have the advantage of its foresight and vision passed on to the human mind. When it is perfected, spiritual thinking is synchronizes with the divine mind. That is the reason we will have superior intuitions and insights from thinking spiritually. As we hone this synchronization, we will be more confident of these intuitions and insights and pursue them naturally. When these bear fruit, we know the value of these insights. This is what is tapping divine intelligence. We can become habitual in that as we practice and perfect this phenomenon. That is why spiritual thinking in our daily lives is essential for accomplishing our goals and meeting our needs and desires.
Spiritual Thinking – Seeing beyond what you can see
In the second Corinthians, Saint Paul talks about the spirit helps us see beyond what our human eyes can see ( )
When we synchronize our human thoughts with the Divine Mind, we can see much farther than what we can see and perceive with the human eye. I had remarked in an earlier post that if we see from the top of a tall building, you can see much farther than from a lower level. Spirituality is climbing higher and higher to be able to see much farther. In other words, how much you can perceive the Truth and reality is how well you have synchronized your human mind with the divine mind. That is what spiritual thinking is all abo byBy bronzing human thinking with the Divine Mind. You will be able to see far beyond what we can see materially.
There are about 7.6 million different species on earth today. The average human has around 5.2 trillion cells. That’s the equivalent of over 50 billion human brains. Each human brain has about 100 billion synapses. So there are roughly 100 trillion synapses in the human brain. That’s about five times the number of stars in the universe. That is why it is essential to understand how the human mind works and synchronize our thinking with the Divine Mind. Synchronizing our human thinking with the Divine Mind will allow us to perceive beyond what we can see materially.
When we can synchronize our human thinking with the Divine Mind, canto sees the teeth and reality we live in. In other words, the Truth will set us free. The Truth will let us overcome our limited human thinking and perception inlet us see things as they are.
Our religious leaders and social environment have brainwashed us to believe that our world is not the Truth. But when we can synchronize our human thinking with the Divine Mind, we will be able to see the Truth and reality we live in.
Our limited human thinking and perception result from the fact that we live in a matrix that the Matrix controllers ultimately control. The Matrix is entirely controlled by the System which the Global Elite and their minions run. The Matrix controllers have hijacked our human minds, and we are wholly brainwashed to believe that the Matrix we live in is real. We are entirely deceived into believing that this is real. The truth is, this is a matrix that we are living in. The Matrix is not accurate. The Matrix controllers are not real. The Matrix is a total deception. The Matrix controllers are a complete deception.
Only through Spiritual Thinking can we perceive the absolute truth free from outside control.
You can find more about spiritual thinking in my book ‘ Think Spiritually- spiritual thinking for life at
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Dr.Siv Raghu grew up in New Delhi, india. He moved to USA in his early twenties, obtained his PhD in Chemistry. He worked for a Fortune 100 Corporation for 15 years and spent another 30 years in consulting, own businesses, banking and transportation in the US. He then returned to India, continued his Gnana Yoga for self realization, while studying Upanishads and Bhagwat Gita. Through these blogs he is sharing his knowledge and insights into how Spiritual thinking enables one to attain peace, harmony and happiness. He has just released a book on Amazon on : Think Spiritually, Spiritual Thinking For Life. ." From birth until our last breath, a supreme power stays inside us, allowing us to breathe, making all the material organs work, and giving us the five senses to guide us. This power, called by various names such as God, brahman, Yahweh, Allah, Divine Mind, etc., is the engine of life. This Divine Mind can help us anytime we seek God’s help. The Divine Mind has all control over us, but we can only appeal to it through affirmations that God is all in all and is the Sole power for all cause and effect in this universe. He is present in us 24/7 by synchronizing our human thoughts with this Divine Mind. God passes on his thoughts to us. This synchronization becomes habitual through constant prayers and affirmations, and we enjoy Peace, Harmony, Prosperity, and Happiness. This is called Spiritual Thinking and is the backbone of peaceful bliss in our lives."
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