Spiritual Thinking is a fantastic way to be free.

Think Spiritually

Spiritual Thinking is a fantastic way to be free.

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Spiritual Thinking is a fantastic way to be free.

John 8:32
And you will know the truth, which will make you accessible.
Psalm 116:5
Out of my distress, I called on the Lord; He answered and set me free.
Romans 6:14
For sin will have no dominion over you since you are not under law but under grace.
Ephesians 2:8
For by grace, you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.
Renunciation and Self-knowledge is the path to freedom and moksha ( Salvation)
Bhagwad Gita: Chapter 3: 17-19.
But that man who rejoices only in the Self is satisfied with the Self and is concerned in the Self – for him, there is no duty to perform.
For him, there is no concern here at all with acting, nor any concern with non-performance. Moreover, for him, there is no dependence on any object to serve any purpose.
Therefore, remaining unattached always performs the obligatory duty, for a person attains the Highest ( Salvation ) by performing one’s task without attachment.

In this era of social media dominance in everyone’s life and all the misinformation, falsities, and lies floating around and spreading like wildfire, many people are confused and distressed, not knowing what to believe. The technologies are advancing rapidly, forcing people to keep up or lose. Does it have to be that way, or is there a better way to not only know the truth and be peaceful, happy, and prosperous? How is that? Let us start with how we created man in His image and likeness. God also allowed man to think for himself, make decisions independently, and give him all the senses to feel what is right. To help man in his life, God stayed inside each man as a whole as a Divine Mind, Brahman, to help and guide him when he seeks help. Our job is to move away from all distractions and seek Divine Mind’s help. Just as you move forward in swimming by gently moving the water around you so that you are propelled forward, God can be heard only if you can push away all the distractions surrounding you in this modern age. The Upanishads and Bhagwad Gita use renunciation to begin to know God, the Divine Self inside you. This means that you remove your concentration from all the material attractions of this world and focus on the truth that God is all in all and is inside you 24/7. He is the cause and effect of everything happening in the universe. We can feel and hear God’s presence if we focus on this truth and move away from all the distracting thoughts of wealth, possessions, divisive politics, etc. Our efforts, besides knowing the truth that God is all in all, are ways to move away all the distracting thoughts through meditation and prayer. While this will be difficult initially, we can synchronize our ego-derived human thoughts with the Divine mind through constant practice and persistence. As we continue to do this as often as we need to, we will be able to listen to God’s thoughts on whatever we are dealing with, and when we obediently follow, we will always succeed in whatever we do. This synchronization of our human thoughts with the Divine Mind is termed Spiritual Thinking. In other words, the thoughts derived from this approach are purely Spiritual and represent the truth. How do we know that? It is straightforward: if you feel peaceful and happy, you know it is correct. If you think discordant, then you have to focus and pray more. It will become habitual and instantaneous eventually.

Some examples of following God’s directions and benefitting are:
An example is Abraham. He dug wells (Genesis 26: 18 – 22) and used irrigation systems for livestock farming. Jacob received a divine idea that led to excellent wealth transfer (Genesis 30: 25 – 43). God gave Moses specific instructions on building the Tabernacle (Exodus 25:40). He instructed Moses: ‘Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink’ (Exodus 17:6).

After Moses passed away, God asked Joshua to lead the Israelites to the promised land. They were preparing to conquer the land of Canaan and ran into the city of Jericho, which was protected by a vast wall. On God’s direction and a little help from a woman named Rahab, Joshua asked the Israelites to come around the city once each for six days and seven times on the seventh day with the priests blowing their horns each day and on the seventh day, the Israelites shouted as hard as they could and blowing the horns as loud as possible. The walls of Jericho came tumbling down, enabling Israelites to go and conquer the city.

Jericho Wall Story:

There are numerous other examples of people of faith being tired of having curbs on their freedom of thought and action; throughout history, having prayed to God and following His directions, they were able to secure their freedom and live free. Since Spiritual Thinking involves synchronizing our human thoughts with the Divine Mind inside each of us, we can listen to God’s directions and free ourselves from outside manipulation. Thus, Spiritual Thinking is a fantastic way to be free.

You can read more in the author’s book Think Spiritually – Spiritual Thinking For Life. Available at Amazon.com.

You can buy the e-book “Think Spiritually – Spiritual Thinking For Life” for only $5.00 below.


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By Sivaraman Raghu

Dr.Siv Raghu grew up in New Delhi, india. He moved to USA in his early twenties, obtained his PhD in Chemistry. He worked for a Fortune 100 Corporation for 15 years and spent another 30 years in consulting, own businesses, banking and transportation in the US. He then returned to India, continued his Gnana Yoga for self realization, while studying Upanishads and Bhagwat Gita. Through these blogs he is sharing his knowledge and insights into how Spiritual thinking enables one to attain peace, harmony and happiness. He has just released a book on Amazon on : Think Spiritually, Spiritual Thinking For Life. https://www.amazon.com/author/sivaraman_raghu/ ." From birth until our last breath, a supreme power stays inside us, allowing us to breathe, making all the material organs work, and giving us the five senses to guide us. This power, called by various names such as God, brahman, Yahweh, Allah, Divine Mind, etc., is the engine of life. This Divine Mind can help us anytime we seek God’s help. The Divine Mind has all control over us, but we can only appeal to it through affirmations that God is all in all and is the Sole power for all cause and effect in this universe. He is present in us 24/7 by synchronizing our human thoughts with this Divine Mind. God passes on his thoughts to us. This synchronization becomes habitual through constant prayers and affirmations, and we enjoy Peace, Harmony, Prosperity, and Happiness. This is called Spiritual Thinking and is the backbone of peaceful bliss in our lives."

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