Spiritual Thinking for Life is the Ultimate path to peace.

Spiritual Thinking for Life is the Ultimate path to peace.

Why the necessity for Spiritual Thoughts in Life
In this age of so much information floating around, most of it is misinformation. It is no wonder that so many people are confused, unhappy, and unsure of what the future holds for them. Yet a few people are not perturbed by all this misinformation and go about their business calmly, rationally, and methodically and seem happy all the time. There is a reason for that, and that is because they think spiritually. Let us analyze what is spiritually based thinking and why it is essential.
Let us start with Nature. Have you wondered why everything in nature is so orderly and beautiful that all events are organized such as seasonal changes, etc., every species on earth, including human beings, reproduces naturally. The off-springs are always the same species with all genetic information fully preserved. There is no cross-mixing of species and almost any abnormalities. This holds even for plant life. Does that make you feel that there must be a superpower overseeing all these making sure that these are all perfect? This superpower is responsible for all peace and calm, orderliness, and normality in our lives, and an attempt to understand and trust this superpower is what spirituality is all about. No matter what your religion is or what this superpower is called, says God, the absolute truth remains that this Super Power, which we will call Infinite Mind, is the only cause and effect in this Universe.
Having introduced this Power, let us briefly glimpse how it impacts our daily lives. As I had mentioned earlier, all the misinformation, rumors, gossip, etc., make us confused and abnormal and experience discord and unhappiness. Our mind needs to be focused on avoiding being distracted by all this. If we constantly remind ourselves of all the wonderfully perfect work of the superpower, we suddenly become more focused. Our thoughts become more apparent, we become peaceful and routine, the truth begins to appear, and we are happier and more relaxed. That is what Jesus meant when he said, “ Having eyes see ye not and having ears hear ye not.” As we understand this more, we will be able to be happy and at peace all the time when this becomes intuitive and second nature.
One of the essential facts about spirituality is that it does not have anything to do with religion, which is more constrictive and is a way to keep people organized and uniform to suit the convenience of the community. Spirituality, on the other hand, is a pursuit of truth in our thoughts, and we will learn in subsequent postings that it is an adventure every one of us needs and will enjoy its impact on our everyday lives. It is the source of all our needs and supply, intelligence, wellness, peace, and happiness. Therefore, all those who read this will continue on this journey and not only benefit but also never have to worry about their life and face discord and unhappiness.
Reality (Truth) and Unreality (Illusion)
In spirituality, we will encounter the two terms reality and unreality, and using some examples, let me illustrate what these terms mean and the distinction between the two.
For example, let us consider darkness. When it is pitch dark, we cannot see anything. If it is an unfamiliar place, even though we may have our eyes open and we walk a few steps, we will be careful not to bump into some obstacle like furniture or wall, etc.; if we now light a candle or a flashlight, we find that it was only our imagination. When you light a candle, the darkness disappears, and we can see with our eyes. So we can conclude that night is not absolute and can be eliminated with a light source. The opposite is not valid, you can only contain light, but you cannot stop it. This is why we can play basketball games and baseball at night with enough sunshine.
Let us take another example. When we stand in front of a mirror, we see ourselves in the mirror, but that is only an image. If you raise your right hand, the idea raises its left hand, proving that it is not the original and is an illusion.
Let us take another example. On a cloudy, rainy day, we cannot see the sun. If we conclude that there is no sun that day, that will be wrong. We can take a flight above the clouds and see the Sun.
Likewise, everything looks so natural when we are asleep and have a dream. However, when we wake up, we realize it is only an imagination, not a reality.
The point I am making with these examples is that we can see what is fundamental if we eliminate these illusions. That is what happens in our life. We use our material senses to think something is real when it is not. Let us consider the disease, for instance. We feel unwell and sick; as we experience this abnormality, we think it is real because we can handle it. However, that is only transient; when we recover, we feel normal again. The Higher Power, Infinite Mind, creates only everyday and good things, and any abnormality manifests as unreality. The same is true of anger. When we are angry, we become irrational and commit acts that we may regret. When we calm down, we repent our actions. Just as the disease is the opposite of ease which is normal, anger is also an abnormality and cannot be accurate. These abnormal periods happen or manifest only because we believe in their reality. Once we get into our consciousness, only things are natural; we will not experience any abnormality. The question is how.
I had mentioned God or the Infinite Mind. This mind is different from our mortal mind derived from our brain. When each of us was created, along with our mind, there also exists 24/7, this infinite mind constantly guiding and protecting our life. Even though there is One Infinite Mind (God), He is present in each of us as a whole. In a later post, I will go into this in more detail, and our objective is to synchronize our mortal mind with the Infinite Mind. That is what spirituality or spiritual thinking is all about. This is done by constantly purifying our thoughts through prayer or affirmations of the Truth. The Truth is that God is present as a whole in each being, and His activity controls our mind, body, health, well-being, prosperity, peace, and harmony. As we keep affirming this truth, we experience all goodness, our needs are met, and we are happy. This requires constant practice.
Transcending Unreality and manifesting Truth
I had talked about the superpower (God, Divine Mind, InfiniteMind, all or synonyms) being the sole creator, cause, and effect of everything that happens in the universe. I introduced the terms unreality and reality. What we experience is a consequence of our thinking based on our human senses derived from our minds. Since the infinite mind operates 24/7 in each of us and God bestows only good, it is our job to synchronize our mind with the divine. That is what spirituality is all about.
Unrealities, though they look so natural and we can see and feel, are manifested only because we believe in them (e.g., Disease). By constant affirmations of one reality of the infinite mind, we will be able to transcend unrealities. This requires constant prayer, understanding, and practice.
Let us dwell more on Reality. I had lived through several times when someone close to me passed away. This includes my wife and daughter. They were doing well, recovering from Cancer and hip surgery, respectively, rehabilitating, but both had cardiac arrests ( not at the same time). I started wondering how they were normal an hour earlier, talking, smiling, and not there anymore. Both had the same smile on their face after death and looked the same after death as before. What was the power that kept them alive is not there anymore. Their bodies were intact but not functioning. This spirit that keeps us alive has left, but none of us can see it going. This spirit is what is called in Upanishads ( I will deal with this in a later posting ), named Brahman or God. Soon after the Spirit leaves the body, the body starts to decay after some time.
This spirit, one with God, drives our daily life 24/7. This is the truth; if it gets into our consciousness, we will experience peace, harmony, and sound all the time. We have to unlearn several things that our material senses feel and transcend with the spiritual reality. Once we understand all the qualities we need to develop, we can do it intuitively. The most difficult of these is getting rid of our human ego. Human ego derived from our mortal mind is detrimental to spirituality. It is responsible for several negative qualities, such as selfishness, no empathy or compassion, greed, envy, hate, anger, immoral, etc. Spiritual qualities include integrity and character, honesty, humility, compassion, kindness, and, most importantly, love and forgiveness. It takes time to eliminate the bad qualities, but they melt away once we understand the Truth and One Reality. The most dominant quality that feeds the ego is fear, of which the fear of death is the biggest. Once we understand that Spirit has no end, only the body dies, and the spirit merges with God. It is believed that depending on how spiritual and good you demonstrated, the spirit’s next assignment may be less or more difficult. When I discuss the Upanishads and the Yogas, I will get into these topics in more detail.
The key point I will make is that what you experience in life, called manifestations, depends on what thoughts you feed into your consciousness, and if your thinking is based on spirituality, the truth you will manifest is only all good.

You can find more about spiritual thinking in my book ‘ Think Spiritually- spiritual thinking for life at amazon.com


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By Sivaraman Raghu

Dr.Siv Raghu grew up in New Delhi, india. He moved to USA in his early twenties, obtained his PhD in Chemistry. He worked for a Fortune 100 Corporation for 15 years and spent another 30 years in consulting, own businesses, banking and transportation in the US. He then returned to India, continued his Gnana Yoga for self realization, while studying Upanishads and Bhagwat Gita. Through these blogs he is sharing his knowledge and insights into how Spiritual thinking enables one to attain peace, harmony and happiness. He has just released a book on Amazon on : Think Spiritually, Spiritual Thinking For Life. https://www.amazon.com/author/sivaraman_raghu/ ." From birth until our last breath, a supreme power stays inside us, allowing us to breathe, making all the material organs work, and giving us the five senses to guide us. This power, called by various names such as God, brahman, Yahweh, Allah, Divine Mind, etc., is the engine of life. This Divine Mind can help us anytime we seek God’s help. The Divine Mind has all control over us, but we can only appeal to it through affirmations that God is all in all and is the Sole power for all cause and effect in this universe. He is present in us 24/7 by synchronizing our human thoughts with this Divine Mind. God passes on his thoughts to us. This synchronization becomes habitual through constant prayers and affirmations, and we enjoy Peace, Harmony, Prosperity, and Happiness. This is called Spiritual Thinking and is the backbone of peaceful bliss in our lives."

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