Bold and creative ideas from thinking spiritually
What are your ideas? Can you see an idea? No! Ideas are thoughts handed from God, Infinite Mind, the divine mind, to the human mind. At this stage, those ideas are just concepts. A receptive human mind, synchronized with the divine mind, is receptive to the idea. The human mind can then turn the idea into action. Let me offer you an example. A sculptor has a picture of one of the goddesses, Saraswati, and while he sees a rock, he sees her sculpture on the rock. So he chips away from the extraneous portions of the stone with a chisel and hammer. The different people looking at this stage can only see a rock till the sculpture is ready. They can then admire. Since the Divine Mind has endless ideas, God can pass very ambitious and imaginative thoughts to the human mind. An architect can see the building he is designing even before he develops it. A Music composer can experience a song earlier than he creates it. So spiritual thinking can provide us with ambitious ideas. We can get bold and exciting thoughts with the valuable resource of thinking spiritually.
Because an architect can conceive a building before he designs it, or a composer can construct a piece in his mind before he plays a composition, does it mean there are no divine principles and laws? The law of gravitation existed before Sir Isaac Newton thought of the idea of gravitation from falling apples from a tree. God’s laws and principles were always eternal, just like the spirit. The laws of aerodynamics were always there, with God-created birds flying before the Wright brothers discovered a machine to wash. Now we are exploring space, and one day, we can journey to the Moon or Mars just as we pass in a plane to different countries at high speeds. These kinds of progress are possible because we have spiritual thinkers who are receptive to ideas from the Divine Mind and generate new technologies. In conclusion, Bold and creative ideas develop from spiritual thinking.
In these turbulent times, it is imperative that our human mind needs to think clearly to be able to meet all the challenges we face, such as greenhouse gases, global warming, and climate change consequences of that, resources such as food, health care, poverty, unequal distribution of wealth, etc. We need God’s help with newer and bolder ideas to implement. It is, therefore, essential that we keep our human mind clear of clutter and connect with the Divine Mind to receive new ideas for solving all our problems effectively.
You can read more in the author’s book: Think Spiritually – Spiritual Thinking For Life. Available at
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