In situations where you need quick action, constant practice of Spiritual Thinking by synchronization of our human thoughts with the Divine Mind inside each of enables us to listen to God’s voice automatically who leads us to our needs and destination effortlessly without confusion.
Spiritual Thinking explains idol worship in a simple way.
Since Vedas, Upanishads or Bhagwad Gita do not mention Murthi (Idol) worship it must be a later addition. Spiritual thinking, by synchronization of human thoughts with the Divine Mind, Brahman inside us recognizes that Idol worship is just an introductory understanding of God just as Arithmetic is the beginning of understanding mathematics. Clearly, according to Vedas, God, Spirit creates materials and You cannot create God from materials , no matter how much of consecration is involved.
Spiritual Thinking is the ultimate Spirit-based Ritual.
Spiritual Thinking is the ultimate Spirit-based Ritual. A Google search on the definition of “Ritual” yielded the following answer. What is the definition of a ritual? A ritual is a sequence of activities involving gestures, words, actions, or revered objects. Rituals may be prescribed by the traditions of a community, including a religious community. •… Continue reading Spiritual Thinking is the ultimate Spirit-based Ritual.
Spiritual Thinking is a simple way to bust Religious Myths.
Spiritual Thinking is a simple way to bust Religious Myths. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers according to their desires, and they will turn away their ears from the truth and turn aside… Continue reading Spiritual Thinking is a simple way to bust Religious Myths.
Spiritual thinking is proof of God’s unconditional love.
God as Divine Mind is present in each of us 24/7 driving the engine of life irrespective of what kind of a person we are, whether we are black, white, Racists, narcissists, etc. This love from God is unconditional. Spiritual Thinking, by synchronizing our human thoughts with the Divine Mind inside, enables us to realize this love and enhances it to allow us to reform ourselves.
Spiritual Thinking is a simple way beyond all religions.
By finding a way to connect our human thoughts with the ever present Divine Mind inside us, Spiritual Thinking is a simple way beyond just religions and religious beliefs and traditions.
Spiritual Thinking is an excellent way to be grateful.
As man drifted away from the Creator, developed all negative qualities, and started living in Illusions (Maya), man had to find a way to reach God inside. Spiritual thinking involves synchronizing our human thoughts with the Divine Mind, Brahman, inside. It helps man focus on God-based ideas and advice to achieve peace, prosperity, and happiness all the time. This enabled God to bless us, and we can be grateful for all the blessings. Thus, Spiritual Thinking is an excellent way to be thankful to God.
Spiritual Thinking is a great way to defend ourselves.
Spiritual Thinking by synchronization of our human thoughts with the Divine Mind inside us enables us to feel good and comfortable when offensive people try to make you defensive. Spiritual Thinking makes us feel sorry for those poor souls and makes us comfortable. Thus, Spiritual Thinking is a great way to defend ourselves.
Spiritual Thinking is an excellent way to feel protected.
Spiritual Thinking by synchronization of human brain derived thoughts with the Divine Mind inside, enables us to hear God;s words and advice. The constant practice of Spiritual Thinking makes us feel God’s presence close to us and makes us feel protected all the time.
Spiritual Thinking is a great way to show God’s Love.
When our brain derived human thoughts are synchronized with the Divine Mind inside each of us through affirmations, prayer and meditation we can hear God’s words and advice to implement. This is called Spiritual Thinking. Spiritual Thinking enables us to show God’s love for us all.