Spiritual Thinking is the Ultimate Way for Big Picture.

In this world of social media, divisive politics, extreme selfishness, severe weather patterns, and rapid change in technological advancement, it is hard to think beyond yourselves. However, for human progress, we need people with big visions, a positive outlook, and a passion for advancement to provide an excellent future for our children. It is said that when you are walking, watching your footsteps to make sure you do not step over some Dog Poo, then you will not be able to see where you are going. But if you look straight to have a farsighted vision, then you cannot be worried about your feet stepping on poo or thorns. This is where we need protection from our Divine Mind inside us to take care of thorns and poo. Spiritual Thinking, by synchronization of our human thoughts with the Divine Mind inside us, provides us with such protection, and when the mind is free of distractions, we can listen to God’s voice for Big Ideas. Thus, spiritual thinking is the ultimate way to create big pictures.

Spiritual Thinking is a fantastic way to be free from distractions.

We are living in a world dominated by Social media, populist nationalist divisive thinkers, and people who are more interested in trying to clean others than themselves. These people are normally such annoyers that we want to run away from them, but they are like glue and will stick to you. Spiritual Thinking, focusing on God and the divine Mind inside each of us, will fortunately free us from these distractions and offer peace, happiness, and freedom from these environments. It will help us focus on good things and develop creative ideas to solve worldly problems. It will also help us help others heal from infirmities and make them healthy and happy. Spiritual Thinking turns a hostile environment into a positive one.

Spiritual Thinking is a simple way to achieve Mental Stability.

With a world in turmoil, with two regional wars on the edge of a greater conflict, extreme weather patterns because of unattended climate changes, about 64 countries having their elections choosing new leaders, and all the divisive, chaotic campaigns spewing lies and falsehoods to get elected, and the courts struggling to administer justice with leaders stymying the judicial system with deliberate delaying tactics with frivolous arguments, it is no wonder that there is such a strain on people’s lives. In these times, Spiritual Thinking, by synchronizing our confused human thoughts with the Divine Mind inside us, provides some comfort, peace, and security. The more we acknowledge Divine Control of all the chaos, the more we will be able to assess the Truths and elect competent and honest leaders to ensure a promising future for our children. May God’s divine Mind prevail and establish peace and prosperity during these challenging times.

Spiritual Thinking is a great way during global changes.

With fast-changing circumstances in regional wars and technological and climate changes, adapting to these changes puts pressure and tensions on our beliefs and cultural patterns. Spiritual Thinking concentrates on our fundamental belief that God, The Divine Mind, and Brahman inside each of us is the engine of life, and the cause and effect of all changes helps us cope with all the transformations. Spiritual Thinking, by synchronization of our human thoughts with the Divine Mind, enables us to quickly adapt to all these changes, causing us less anxiety and allowing us to be calm and steady.

Spiritual Thinking is the ultimate House on a Rock.

Spiritual Thinking, by synchronization of our human thoughts with the divine mind inside each of us, enables us to hear God’s words on every issue and act accordingly. This is like a house on a rock with a strong foundation and not easily perturbed by worldly illusions.

Spiritual Thinking is an easy way to constantly Practice.

When we use Spiritual Thinking to solve issues we face frequently, we need to make it habitual and second nature. To do this we need to practice Spiritual Thinking often and practice constantly. It is easy to do to remind ourselves of the Divine Mind inside each of us and meditate and pray to remove the distracting thoughts and focus, the process is easy for constantly practicing.

Spiritual Thinking is a great way to Restore Normalcy.

In life there will be a lot of ups and downs. During these times, we are easily distracted by worldly events and thoughts, called Maya. It is important to remain focussed on the truth and one reality, God, Brahman, The Divine Mind inside us. Spiritual Thinking by synchronization of our mortal thoughts with the Divine Mind inside us, we will be able to restore normalcy in our lives as soon as possible.

Spiritual Thinking is an excellent way beyond religion.

Spiritual Thinking, is an induividual attempt to pursue truth and this pursuit is independent of religion, which is a more constricted communal traditions and blind beliefs frequently without any logical reasoning. Spiritual Thinking is a pursuit of truth beyond religion.

Spiritual Thinking explains suffering in a simple way.

Sufferings can be caused in a number of ways such as natural events such as Hurricanes, wild fire, etc or wars or political persecutions or terrorist acts or other non-explainable reasons. Yet the sufferings can be minimized or mitigated through Spiritual Thinking, which guides you to explore alternative resources or means to find Peace and happiness

Spiritual Thinking is the Ultimate God’s Law of Adjustment.

When we think spiritually, we are sychronizing our human thoughts with the Divine Mind inside each of us and by doing so we let God tell us of a solution to every problem we face. God in turn gives his views and easily implementable ideas. Since there can be no situation beyond God;s control, all His ideas will be implementable and hence His laws will adjust to every situation. i